Merino 4ply - Red Weed




This colourway started out as something quite different. When it was sitting in the dye bath, looking at the richness of the colour, all I could hear in my head was 'The chances of anything coming from Mars, is a million to one, but still they come'. I proceeded to sing that all day in the shop.

Now obviously that is too long for a yarn title, so I settled on Red Weed. If anyone knows the soundtack you will be with me. If you don't, you are abou to go on a journey!

NOTE: in the knitted sample it shows a degree of colour pooling. This is not a pooling yarn and is not guaranteed. This would depend on cast on etc and will differ form skein to skein.

With all our House Dye colourways you can order more than what we have in stock. The dyeing will be prioritised and we will get your order to you as soon as possible. We will keep you informed. We will dye all of your order in one batch to reduce the chance of any colour variations.